Sunday, January 21, 2018

2018 here we come!

It has been a good, restful winter, but all good things must come to an end. Dieter and I have spent the winter getting fat and happy and taking some time off. Our first schooling show is in 2 weeks at Stone Ridge in Springfield, and I've found myself completely unprepared. Between starting a new relationship with a completely awesome dude and the bipolar Missouri weather, Dieter and I haven't had much ride time in the last month or so. Every time I have been able to ride, Dieter has been a dream and totally willing to do anything I've asked. Our rides mostly consist of going back to the basics, because we're essentially starting over with every ride. We've both gotten more squishy, so it's officially time to get our butts in gear and make things happen. Happy 2018! Dieter and I are coming for you!

...In the meantime, here are some fun pictures from this winter for your enjoyment!

Pool tournament with the bf. 

Friends on New Year's Day!

Barn family new year's Eve lunch. 

Work Christmas party shenanigans. 

New year's Eve with the besties!


There has been lots of watching pool this winter. 

Dieter is finally ready to be finished with his break!