1. Keep Coco happy and healthy.
2. Earn 65 or more in First Level Test 3 with Dieter.
3. Master 2nd level movements in practice.
4. Eventing dressage score of 28 or less.
5. Compete in 2 or more novice events with Dieter.
6. Win a Year End award for MACTA.
7. Run a 5k in less than 36 minutes with no walk breaks.
8. Teach Sophie to roll over and 2 other interesting tricks.
9. Read 3 horse-related books.
10. Personal weight loss goal. Again.
2017 Goals:
1. Keep Coco's fitness up with 3 rides/lunges per week. FAIL. Coco is loving his life as a pasture ornament.
2. Learn all Parelli games with Coco and Dieter. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Now if only I can remember them all myself. 3. Master leg yields, lengthenings, 15-meter canter circles, & 10-meter trot circles with Dieter. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Mostly. Still working on consistency with lengthenings, but we're mostly there.
4. Dieter dressage score under 28. FAIL. Maybe one day.
5. Earn a ribbon (1st through 8th place) at 3 recognized BN events with Dieter. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. 5th at Mill Creek. 5th at Queeny. 8th at Catalpa.
6. Complete 1 run/walk 5k per month. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We technically missed June, but we were there and ready to run when they cancelled for rain.
7. Non-riding working out 3 times per week. FAIL. I have no good excuse.
8. Teach Sophie to roll over and 2 other interesting tricks. FAIL. Whoops. I just totally forgot about this goal. She's still cute, though!!
9. Read 6 horse-related books in 2016. FAIL. AGAIN.
10. Another personal weight-loss goal (not going to publish it, but I'll write it on my official goals). FAIL.
4 out of 10. Again. At least I'm consistent!! 😂
2016 Goals:
1. Keep Coco's fitness up with 3 rides per week. FAIL! (Some weeks we accomplished this, and some weeks I was really lazy. It was much easier to meet this goal in the summer. Winter sucks.)
2. Learn all Parelli games with Coco. FAIL! (I have no excuse)
3. Top 3 BN at MACTA shows with Coco. FAIL! (We really lost this one by not competing at the recognized event... I didn't realize at the beginning of the year that the recognized show had such a big influence on the year end awards.)
4. Show Dieter BN at a recognized event. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We showed TWO BN recognized shows.
5. Under 30 dressage score on Dieter (walk/trot/canter test). MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 28.75 at West End on 12/10/16.
6. Personal weight loss goal (I have a number I'm reaching for, but I don't feel comfortable publishing that here). FAIL! (But I got close... Kind of...)
7. Non-riding working out 3 times per week. FAIL! (I didn't realize how difficult it is to ride 2 horses and work out 3x/week. I need to get better at time management.)
8. Finish a sprint (short) triathlon with Chris (trainer) in September. FAIL! (I have no excuse)
9. Hike with Sophie off-leash with good heel/recall. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (Usually...)
10. Read 6 horse-related books in 2016. FAIL! (I think I read 3...?)
4 out of 10... pretty pathetic. We'll have to try to do better in 2017.
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